Source code for crystal_toolkit.components.diffraction

import math

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from dash import callback_context, dcc, html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
from pymatgen.analysis.diffraction.tem import TEMCalculator
from pymatgen.analysis.diffraction.xrd import WAVELENGTHS, XRDCalculator
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
from scipy.special import wofz

from crystal_toolkit.core.mpcomponent import MPComponent
from crystal_toolkit.helpers.layouts import Box, Column, Columns, Loading

# Scherrer equation: Langford, J. Il, and A. J. C. Wilson. "Scherrer after sixty years:
# a survey and some new results in the determination of crystallite size." Journal of
# applied crystallography 11.2 (1978): 102-113.

#    def __init__(self, symprec: float = None, voltage: float = 200,
#                beam_direction: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 1), camera_length: int = 160,
#                debye_waller_factors: Dict[str, float] = None, cs: float = 1) -> None:

# Author: Matthew McDermott
# Contact:

[docs]class TEMDiffractionComponent(MPComponent): def __init__(self, *args, initial_structure=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.create_store("structure", initial_data=initial_structure)
[docs] def layout(self): voltage = self.get_numerical_input( kwarg_label="voltage", default=200, label="Voltage / kV", help_str="The incident wavelength with which to generate the diffraction pattern, " "typically corresponding to a TEM microscope’s voltage.", ) beam_direction = self.get_numerical_input( kwarg_label="beam_direction", default=[0, 0, 1], label="Beam Direction", help_str="The direction of the electron beam fired onto the sample.", shape=(3,), is_int=True, ) # TODO: add additional kwargs for TemCalculator, or switch to an alternative solution return Columns( [ Column([Box(Loading("tem-plot")))], size=8), Column( [voltage, html.Br(), beam_direction], size=4, ), ], )
[docs] def generate_callbacks(self, app, cache): @app.callback( Output("tem-plot"), "children"), [ Input("structure"), "data"), Input(self.get_all_kwargs_id(), "value"), ], ) def generate_diffraction_pattern(structure, *args): structure = self.from_data(structure) kwargs = self.reconstruct_kwargs_from_state() calculator = TEMCalculator(**kwargs) print("kwargs", kwargs) return dcc.Graph( figure=calculator.get_plot_2d(structure), responsive=False, config={"displayModeBar": False, "displaylogo": False}, )
[docs]class XRayDiffractionComponent(MPComponent): # TODO: add pole figures for a given single peak for help quantifying texture def __init__(self, *args, initial_structure=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.create_store("structure", initial_data=initial_structure) # Default XRD plot style settings default_xrd_plot_style = dict( xaxis={ "title": "2𝜃 / º", "anchor": "y", "nticks": 8, "showgrid": True, "showline": True, "side": "bottom", "tickfont": {"size": 16.0}, "ticks": "inside", "titlefont": {"size": 16.0}, "type": "linear", "zeroline": False, }, yaxis={ "title": "Intensity / arb. units", "anchor": "x", "nticks": 7, "showgrid": True, "showline": True, "side": "left", "tickfont": {"size": 16.0}, "ticks": "inside", "titlefont": {"size": 16.0}, "type": "linear", "zeroline": False, }, autosize=True, hovermode="x", height=225, showlegend=False, paper_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", plot_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", margin=dict(l=60, b=50, t=50, pad=0, r=30), title="X-ray Diffraction Pattern", template="simple_white", ) empty_plot_style = { "xaxis": {"visible": False}, "yaxis": {"visible": False}, "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", }
[docs] @staticmethod def G(x, c, alpha): """Return c-centered Gaussian line shape at x with HWHM alpha""" return ( np.sqrt(np.log(2) / np.pi) / alpha * np.exp(-(((x - c) / alpha) ** 2) * np.log(2)) )
[docs] @staticmethod def L(x, c, gamma): """Return c-centered Lorentzian line shape at x with HWHM gamma""" return gamma / (np.pi * ((x - c) ** 2 + gamma**2))
[docs] @staticmethod def V(x, c, alphagamma): """Return the c-centered Voigt line shape at x, scaled to match HWHM of Gaussian and Lorentzian profiles.""" alpha = 0.61065 * alphagamma gamma = 0.61065 * alphagamma sigma = alpha / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) return np.real(wofz(((x - c) + 1j * gamma) / (sigma * np.sqrt(2)))) / ( sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) )
[docs] @staticmethod def twotheta_to_q(twotheta, xray_wavelength): """ Convert twotheta to Q. :param twotheta: in degrees :param xray_wavelength: in Ångstroms :return: """ # thanks @rwoodsrobinson return (4 * np.pi / xray_wavelength) * np.sin(np.deg2rad(twotheta) / 2)
[docs] @staticmethod def grain_to_hwhm(tau, two_theta, K=0.9, wavelength="CuKa"): """ :param tau: grain size in nm :param two_theta: angle (in 2-theta) :param K: shape factor (default 0.9) :param wavelength: wavelength radiation in nm :return: half-width half-max (alpha or gamma), for line profile """ if isinstance(wavelength, str): wavelength = WAVELENGTHS[wavelength] # factor of 0.1 to convert wavelength to nm return ( 0.5 * K * 0.1 * wavelength / (tau * abs(np.cos(two_theta / 2))) ) # Scherrer equation for half-width half max
@property def _sub_layouts(self): state = { "peak_profile": "G", "shape_factor": 0.94, "rad_source": "CuKa", "x_axis": "twotheta", "crystallite_size": 0.1, } # Main plot graph = Loading( [ dcc.Graph( figure=go.Figure(layout=XRayDiffractionComponent.empty_plot_style),"xrd-plot"), config={ "displayModeBar": False, # or "hover", "plotGlPixelRatio": 2, "displaylogo": False, # "modeBarButtons": [["toImage"]], # to only add an image download button "toImageButtonOptions": { "format": "png", "filename": "xrd", "scale": 4, "width": 600, "height": 400, }, "editable": True, }, responsive=True, animate=False, ) ] ) # Radiation source selector rad_source = self.get_choice_input( kwarg_label="rad_source", state=state, label="Radiation source", help_str="This defines the wavelength of the incident X-ray radiation.", options=[ { "label": f'{name.replace("a", "α").replace("b", "β")} ({wavelength:.3f} Å)', "value": name, } for name, wavelength in WAVELENGTHS.items() ], style={"width": "10rem"}, ) # Shape factor input shape_factor = self.get_numerical_input( kwarg_label="shape_factor", state=state, label="Shape Factor", help_str="""The peak profile determines what distribute characterizes the broadening of an XRD pattern. Two extremes are Gaussian distributions, which are useful for peaks with more rounded tops (typically due to strain broadening) and Lorentzian distributions, which are useful for peaks with sharper top (typically due to size distributions and dislocations). In reality, peak shapes usually follow a Voigt distribution, which is a convolution of Gaussian and Lorentzian peak shapes, with the contribution to both Gaussian and Lorentzian components sample and instrument dependent. Here, both contributions are equally weighted if Voigt is chosen.""", ) # Peak profile selector (Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt) peak_profile = self.get_choice_input( kwarg_label="peak_profile", state=state, label="Peak Profile", help_str="""The shape factor K, also known as the “Scherrer constant” is a dimensionless quantity to obtain an actual particle size from an apparent particle size determined from XRD. The discrepancy is because the shape of an individual crystallite will change the resulting diffraction broadening. Commonly, a value of 0.94 for isotropic crystals in a spherical shape is used. However, in practice K can vary from 0.62 to 2.08.""", options=[ {"label": "Gaussian", "value": "G"}, {"label": "Lorentzian", "value": "L"}, {"label": "Voigt", "value": "V"}, ], style={"width": "10rem"}, ) # 2Theta or Q for x-axis x_axis_choice = html.Div( [ self.get_choice_input( kwarg_label="x_axis", state=state, label="Choice of 𝑥 axis", help_str="Can choose between 2𝜃 or Q, where Q is the magnitude of the reciprocal lattice and " "independent of radiation source.", # TODO: improve options=[ {"label": "2𝜃", "value": "twotheta"}, {"label": "Q", "value": "Q"}, ], ) ], style={ "display": "none" }, # TODO: this is buggy! let's fix it before we share ) # Crystallite size selector (via Scherrer Equation) crystallite_size = self.get_slider_input( kwarg_label="crystallite_size", label="Scherrer crystallite size / nm", state=state, help_str="Simulate a real diffraction pattern by applying Scherrer broadening, which estimates the " "full width at half maximum (FWHM) resulting from a finite, rather than infinite, crystallite " "size.", domain=[-1, 2], step=0.01, isLogScale=True, ) static_image = self.get_figure_placeholder("xrd-plot") return { "x_axis": x_axis_choice, "graph": graph, "rad_source": rad_source, "peak_profile": peak_profile, "shape_factor": shape_factor, "crystallite_size": crystallite_size, "static_image": static_image, }
[docs] def layout(self, static_image=False): """ Get the standard XRD diffraction pattern layout. :param static_image: If True, will show a static image instead of an interactive graph. :return: """ sub_layouts = self._sub_layouts if static_image: inner = sub_layouts["static_image"] else: inner = sub_layouts["graph"] return Columns( [ Column( [Box([inner], style={"height": "480px"})], size=8, style={"height": "600px"}, ), Column( [ sub_layouts["x_axis"], sub_layouts["rad_source"], sub_layouts["shape_factor"], sub_layouts["peak_profile"], sub_layouts["crystallite_size"], ], size=4, ), ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_figure( peak_profile, K, rad_source, grain_size, x_peak, y_peak, d_hkls, hkls, x_axis ): hkl_list = [hkl[0]["hkl"] for hkl in hkls] hkls = [ f"hkl: ({' '.join([str(i) for i in hkl])})" for hkl in hkl_list ] # convert to (h k l) format annotations = [ f"2𝜃: {round(peak_x, 3)}<br>Intensity: {round(peak_y, 3)}<br>{hkl} <br>d: {round(d, 3)}" for peak_x, peak_y, hkl, d in zip(x_peak, y_peak, hkls, d_hkls) ] # text boxes first = x_peak[0] last = x_peak[-1] domain = last - first # find total domain of angles in pattern length = len(x_peak) num_sigma = {"G": 5, "L": 12, "V": 12}[peak_profile] # optimal number of points per degree determined through usage experiments if grain_size > 10: # scaled to log size to the 4th power N_density = 150 * (math.log10(grain_size) ** 4) else: N_density = 150 N = int(N_density * domain) # num total points x = np.linspace(first, last, N).tolist() y = np.zeros(len(x)).tolist() for xp, yp in zip(x_peak, y_peak): alpha = XRayDiffractionComponent.grain_to_hwhm( grain_size, math.radians(xp / 2), K=float(K), wavelength=rad_source ) sigma = (alpha / np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))).item() center_idx = int(round((xp - first) * N_density)) half_window = int( round(num_sigma * sigma * N_density) ) # i.e. total window of 2 * num_sigma lb = max([0, (center_idx - half_window)]) ub = min([N, (center_idx + half_window)]) G0 = getattr(XRayDiffractionComponent, peak_profile)(0, 0, alpha) for i, j in zip(range(lb, ub), range(lb, ub)): y[j] += ( yp * getattr(XRayDiffractionComponent, peak_profile)(x[i], xp, alpha) / G0 ) layout = XRayDiffractionComponent.default_xrd_plot_style if x_axis == "Q": x_peak = XRayDiffractionComponent.twotheta_to_q( x_peak, WAVELENGTHS[rad_source] ) x = XRayDiffractionComponent.twotheta_to_q(x, WAVELENGTHS[rad_source]) layout["xaxis"]["title"] = "Q / Å⁻¹" else: layout["xaxis"]["title"] = "2𝜃 / º" layout["xaxis"]["range"] = [min(x), max(x)] bar_width = 0.003 * (max(x) - min(x)) # set width of bars to 0.5% of the domain plotdata = [ go.Bar( x=x_peak, y=y_peak, width=[bar_width] * length, hoverinfo="text", text=annotations, opacity=0.8, marker={"color": "black"}, ), go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, hoverinfo="none"), ] plot = go.Figure(data=plotdata, layout=layout) return plot
[docs] def generate_callbacks(self, app, cache): @app.callback( Output("xrd-plot"), "figure"), [ Input(, "data"), Input(self.get_kwarg_id("crystallite_size"), "value"), Input(self.get_kwarg_id("rad_source"), "value"), Input(self.get_kwarg_id("peak_profile"), "value"), Input(self.get_kwarg_id("shape_factor"), "value"), Input(self.get_kwarg_id("x_axis"), "value"), ], ) def update_graph(data, logsize, rad_source, peak_profile, K, x_axis): if not data: raise PreventUpdate kwargs = self.reconstruct_kwargs_from_state(callback_context.inputs) if not kwargs: raise PreventUpdate peak_profile = kwargs["peak_profile"] K = kwargs["shape_factor"] rad_source = kwargs["rad_source"] logsize = float(kwargs["crystallite_size"]) x_axis = kwargs["x_axis"] grain_size = 10**logsize x_peak = data["x"] y_peak = data["y"] d_hkls = data["d_hkls"] hkls = data["hkls"] plot = self.get_figure( peak_profile, K, rad_source, grain_size, x_peak, y_peak, d_hkls, hkls, x_axis, ) return plot @app.callback( Output(, "data"), [ Input("structure"), "data"), Input(self.get_kwarg_id("rad_source"), "value"), ], ) def pattern_from_struct(struct, rad_source): if struct is None or not rad_source: raise PreventUpdate struct = self.from_data(struct) rad_source = self.reconstruct_kwarg_from_state( callback_context.inputs, "rad_source" ) sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct) struct = ( sga.get_conventional_standard_structure() ) # always get conventional structure xrdc = XRDCalculator( wavelength=WAVELENGTHS[rad_source], symprec=0, debye_waller_factors=None ) data = xrdc.get_pattern(struct, two_theta_range=None) return data.as_dict()
# @app.callback( # Output("static-image"), "src"), # [Input("xrd-plot"), "figure")] # ) # def update_static_image(data): # # scope = PlotlyScope() # output = scope.transform(data, format="png", width=600, height=400, scale=4) # image = b64encode(output).decode('ascii') # # return f"data:image/png;base64,{image}"