crystal_toolkit.components.diffraction module

class crystal_toolkit.components.diffraction.TEMDiffractionComponent(*args, initial_structure=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MPComponent

generate_callbacks(app, cache)[source]

Generate all callbacks associated with the layouts in this app. Assume that “suppress_callback_exceptions” is True, since it is not always guaranteed that all layouts will be displayed to the end user at all times, but it’s important the callbacks are defined on the server.


A Dash layout for the full component. Basic implementation

provided, but should in general be overridden.

class crystal_toolkit.components.diffraction.XRayDiffractionComponent(*args, initial_structure=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MPComponent

static G(x, c, alpha)[source]

Return c-centered Gaussian line shape at x with HWHM alpha

static L(x, c, gamma)[source]

Return c-centered Lorentzian line shape at x with HWHM gamma

static V(x, c, alphagamma)[source]

Return the c-centered Voigt line shape at x, scaled to match HWHM of Gaussian and Lorentzian profiles.

default_xrd_plot_style = {'autosize': True, 'height': 225, 'hovermode': 'x', 'margin': {'b': 50, 'l': 60, 'pad': 0, 'r': 30, 't': 50}, 'paper_bgcolor': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'plot_bgcolor': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'showlegend': False, 'template': 'simple_white', 'title': 'X-ray Diffraction Pattern', 'xaxis': {'anchor': 'y', 'nticks': 8, 'showgrid': True, 'showline': True, 'side': 'bottom', 'tickfont': {'size': 16.0}, 'ticks': 'inside', 'title': '2𝜃 / º', 'titlefont': {'size': 16.0}, 'type': 'linear', 'zeroline': False}, 'yaxis': {'anchor': 'x', 'nticks': 7, 'showgrid': True, 'showline': True, 'side': 'left', 'tickfont': {'size': 16.0}, 'ticks': 'inside', 'title': 'Intensity / arb. units', 'titlefont': {'size': 16.0}, 'type': 'linear', 'zeroline': False}}
empty_plot_style = {'paper_bgcolor': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'plot_bgcolor': 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', 'xaxis': {'visible': False}, 'yaxis': {'visible': False}}
generate_callbacks(app, cache)[source]

Generate all callbacks associated with the layouts in this app. Assume that “suppress_callback_exceptions” is True, since it is not always guaranteed that all layouts will be displayed to the end user at all times, but it’s important the callbacks are defined on the server.

static get_figure(peak_profile, K, rad_source, grain_size, x_peak, y_peak, d_hkls, hkls, x_axis)[source]
static grain_to_hwhm(tau, two_theta, K=0.9, wavelength='CuKa')[source]
  • tau – grain size in nm

  • two_theta – angle (in 2-theta)

  • K – shape factor (default 0.9)

  • wavelength – wavelength radiation in nm


half-width half-max (alpha or gamma), for line profile


Get the standard XRD diffraction pattern layout.


static_image – If True, will show a static image instead of an interactive graph.


static twotheta_to_q(twotheta, xray_wavelength)[source]

Convert twotheta to Q.

  • twotheta – in degrees

  • xray_wavelength – in Ångstroms
