Source code for crystal_toolkit.components.pourbaix

import re

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from dash import dcc, html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
from pymatgen.analysis.pourbaix_diagram import ELEMENTS_HO, PREFAC, PourbaixDiagram
from pymatgen.core import Composition
from pymatgen.util.string import unicodeify
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

import crystal_toolkit.helpers.layouts as ctl
from crystal_toolkit.core.mpcomponent import MPComponent

__author__ = "Joseph Montoya"
__email__ = ""

# TODO: fix bug for Pa, etc.
# TODO: fix bug with composition input, needs further investigation and testing
# TODO: add water stability region

HEIGHT = 550  # in px
WIDTH = 700  # in px

[docs]class PourbaixDiagramComponent(MPComponent): default_state = {"filter_solids": True, "show_heatmap": False} default_plot_style = dict( xaxis={ "title": "pH", "anchor": "y", "mirror": "ticks", "showgrid": False, "showline": True, "side": "bottom", "tickfont": {"size": 16.0}, "ticks": "inside", "titlefont": {"color": "#000000", "size": 24.0}, "type": "linear", "zeroline": False, "range": [-2, 16], }, yaxis={ "title": "Applied Potential (V vs. SHE)", "anchor": "x", "mirror": "ticks", "range": [-2, 4], "showgrid": False, "showline": True, "side": "left", "tickfont": {"size": 16.0}, "ticks": "inside", "titlefont": {"color": "#000000", "size": 24.0}, "type": "linear", "zeroline": False, }, paper_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", plot_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", height=HEIGHT, width=WIDTH, hovermode="closest", showlegend=True, legend=dict( orientation="h", traceorder="reversed", x=1.0, y=1.08, xanchor="right", tracegroupgap=5, ), margin=dict(l=80, b=70, t=10, r=20), ) empty_plot_style = { "xaxis": {"visible": False}, "yaxis": {"visible": False}, "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", } colorscale_classic = [ [0.00, "#4728fa"], # blue [0.33, "#f9f273"], # yellow [0.66, "#e5211b"], # red [1.00, "#ffffff"], # white ] colorscale = "magma" default_table_params = [ {"col": "Material ID", "edit": False}, {"col": "Formula", "edit": True}, {"col": "Formation Energy (eV/atom)", "edit": True}, {"col": "Energy Above Hull (eV/atom)", "edit": False}, {"col": "Predicted Stable?", "edit": False}, ] empty_row = { "Material ID": None, "Formula": "INSERT", "Formation Energy (eV/atom)": "INSERT", "Energy Above Hull (eV/atom)": None, "Predicted Stable": None, } # @staticmethod # def get_figure_with_shapes( # pourbaix_diagram, heatmap_entry=None, heatmap_as_contour=True, show_labels=True # ): # """ # Deprecated. This method returns a figure with Pourbaix domains as "shapes" and labels # as "annotations." The new figure method instead returns a Pourbaix diagram with # domains and labels as independent traces, so that they can be interacted with and # placed ona legend. # # Static method for getting plotly figure from a Pourbaix diagram. # # Args: # pourbaix_diagram (PourbaixDiagram): Pourbaix diagram to plot # heatmap_entry (PourbaixEntry): id for the heatmap generation # heatmap_as_contour (bool): if True, display contours, if False heatmap as grid # # Returns: # (dict) figure layout # # """ # # TODO: fix mpid problem. Can't attach from mpid without it being a structure. # data = [] # # # Get data for heatmap # if heatmap_entry is not None: # ph_range = np.arange(-2, 16.001, 0.1) # v_range = np.arange(-2, 4.001, 0.1) # ph_mesh, v_mesh = np.meshgrid(ph_range, v_range) # decomposition_e = pourbaix_diagram.get_decomposition_energy( # heatmap_entry, ph_mesh, v_mesh # ) # # # Generate hoverinfo # hovertexts = [] # for ph_val, v_val, de_val in zip( # ph_mesh.ravel(), v_mesh.ravel(), decomposition_e.ravel() # ): # hovertext = [ # f"∆G<sub>pbx</sub>={de_val:.2f}", # f"ph={ph_val:.2f}", # f"V={v_val:.2f}", # ] # hovertext = "<br>".join(hovertext) # hovertexts.append(hovertext) # hovertexts = np.reshape(hovertexts, list(decomposition_e.shape)) # # # Enforce decomposition limit energy # decomposition_e = np.min( # [decomposition_e, np.ones(decomposition_e.shape)], axis=0 # ) # # if not heatmap_as_contour: # # Plotly needs a list here for validation # hmap = go.Heatmap( # x=list(ph_range), # y=list(v_range), # z=decomposition_e, # text=hovertexts, # hoverinfo="text", # colorbar={ # "title": "∆G<sub>pbx</sub> (eV/atom)", # "titleside": "right", # }, # colorscale=PourbaixDiagramComponent.colorscale, # zmin=0, # zmax=1, # ) # data.append(hmap) # # else: # # hmap = go.Contour( # z=decomposition_e, # x=list(ph_range), # y=list(v_range), # colorscale=PourbaixDiagramComponent.colorscale, # or magma # zmin=0, # zmax=1, # connectgaps=True, # line_smoothing=0, # line_width=0, # contours_coloring="heatmap", # text=hovertexts, # ) # data.insert(0, hmap) # # shapes = [] # xydata = [] # labels = [] # # for entry, vertices in pourbaix_diagram._stable_domain_vertices.items(): # formula = # clean_formula = PourbaixDiagramComponent.clean_formula(formula) # # # Generate annotation # xydata.append(np.average(vertices, axis=0)) # labels.append(clean_formula) # # # Info on SVG paths: # # Move to first point # path = "M {},{}".format(*vertices[0]) # # Draw lines to each other point # path += "".join(["L {},{}".format(*vertex) for vertex in vertices[1:]]) # # Close path # path += "Z" # # # Note that the lines and fills are added separately # # so that the lines but not the fills will show up on heatmap. # # This may be condensable in the future if plotly adds a more # # general z-ordering of objects # # # Fill with turquoise if solution # if heatmap_entry is None: # fillcolor = "White" if "Ion" in entry.phase_type else "PaleTurquoise" # shape = go.layout.Shape( # type="path", # path=path, # fillcolor=fillcolor, # layer="below", # ) # shapes.append(shape) # # # Add lines separately so they show up on heatmap # shape = go.layout.Shape( # type="path", # path=path, # fillcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", # line={"color": "Black", "width": 1}, # ) # shapes.append(shape) # # layout = PourbaixDiagramComponent.default_plot_style # layout.update({"shapes": shapes}) # # if show_labels: # if len(pourbaix_diagram.pbx_elts) == 1: # # Add annotations to layout # annotations = [ # { # "align": "center", # "font": {"color": "#000000", "size": 15.0}, # "opacity": 1, # "showarrow": False, # "text": label, # "x": x, # "xanchor": "center", # "yanchor": "auto", # # "xshift": -10, # # "yshift": -10, # "xref": "x", # "y": y, # "yref": "y", # } # for (x, y), label in zip(xydata, labels) # ] # layout.update({"annotations": annotations}) # else: # x, y = zip(*xydata) # data.append( # go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, text=labels, hoverinfo="text", mode="markers") # ) # # figure = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # # return figure
[docs] @staticmethod def get_figure( pourbaix_diagram: PourbaixDiagram, heatmap_entry=None, show_water_lines=True ) -> go.Figure: """ Static method for getting plotly figure from a Pourbaix diagram. Args: pourbaix_diagram (PourbaixDiagram): Pourbaix diagram to plot heatmap_entry (PourbaixEntry): id for the heatmap generation show_water_lines (bool): if True, show region of water stability Returns: (dict) figure layout """ data = [] shapes = [] xydata = [] labels = [] domain_heights = [] include_legend = set() for entry, vertices in pourbaix_diagram._stable_domain_vertices.items(): formula = clean_formula = PourbaixDiagramComponent.clean_formula(formula) # Generate information for textual labels domain = Polygon(vertices) centroid = domain.centroid height = domain.bounds[3] - domain.bounds[1] # Ensure label is within plot area # TODO: remove hard-coded value here and make sure it's set dynamically xydata.append([centroid.x, centroid.y]) labels.append(clean_formula) domain_heights.append(height) # Assumes that entry.phase_type is either "Solid" or "Ion" or # a list of "Solid" and "Ion" if isinstance(entry.phase_type, str): legend_entry = entry.phase_type elif isinstance(entry.phase_type, list): if len(set(entry.phase_type)) == 1: legend_entry = ( "Mixed Ion" if entry.phase_type[0] == "Ion" else "Mixed Solid" ) else: legend_entry = "Mixed Ion/Solid" else: # Should never get here print(f"Debug required in Pourbaix for {entry.phase_type}") legend_entry = "Unknown" if not heatmap_entry: if legend_entry == "Ion" or legend_entry == "Unknown": fillcolor = "rgb(255,255,250,1)" # same color as old website elif legend_entry == "Mixed Ion": fillcolor = "rgb(255,255,240,1)" elif legend_entry == "Solid": fillcolor = "rgba(188,236,237,1)" # same color as old website elif legend_entry == "Mixed Solid": fillcolor = "rgba(155,229,232,1)" elif legend_entry == "Mixed Ion/Solid": fillcolor = "rgb(95,238,222,1)" else: fillcolor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)" data.append( go.Scatter( x=[v[0] for v in vertices], y=[v[1] for v in vertices], fill="toself", fillcolor=fillcolor, legendgroup=legend_entry, # legendgrouptitle={"text": legend_entry}, name=legend_entry, text=f"{clean_formula} ({entry.entry_id})", marker={"color": "Black"}, line={"color": "Black", "width": 0}, mode="lines", showlegend=True if legend_entry not in include_legend else False, ) ) include_legend.add(legend_entry) # Add lines separately so they show up on heatmap # Info on SVG paths: # Move to first point path = "M {},{}".format(*vertices[0]) # Draw lines to each other point path += "".join(["L {},{}".format(*vertex) for vertex in vertices[1:]]) # Close path path += "Z" # stable entries are black with default color scheme, # so use white lines instead if heatmap_entry: line = {"color": "White", "width": 4} else: line = {"color": "Black", "width": 1} shape = go.layout.Shape( type="path", path=path, fillcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", opacity=1, line=line, ) shapes.append(shape) layout = PourbaixDiagramComponent.default_plot_style layout.update({"shapes": shapes}) if heatmap_entry is None: x, y = zip(*xydata) data.append( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y, text=labels, hoverinfo="text", mode="text", name="Labels" ) ) layout.update({"annotations": []}) else: # Add annotations to layout to make text more readable when displaying heatmaps # TODO: this doesn't work yet; resolve or scrap # cmap = get_cmap(PourbaixDiagramComponent.colorscale) # def get_text_color(x, y): # """ # Set text color based on whether background at that point is dark or light. # """ # energy = pourbaix_diagram.get_decomposition_energy(entry, pH=x, V=y) # c = [int(c * 255) for c in cmap(energy)[0:3]] # # borrowed from crystal_toolkit.components.structure # # TODO: move to utility function and ensure correct attribution for magic numbers # if 1 - (c[0] * 0.299 + c[1] * 0.587 + c[2] * 0.114) / 255 < 0.5: # font_color = "#000000" # else: # font_color = "#ffffff" # #print(energy, c, font_color) # return font_color def get_text_size(available_vertical_space): """ Set text size based on available vertical space """ return min(max(6 * available_vertical_space, 12), 20) annotations = [ { "align": "center", "bgcolor": "white", "font": {"color": "black", "size": get_text_size(height)}, "opacity": 1, "showarrow": False, "text": label, "x": x, "xanchor": "center", "yanchor": "auto", # "xshift": -10, # "yshift": -10, "xref": "x", "y": y, "yref": "y", } for (x, y), label, height in zip(xydata, labels, domain_heights) ] layout.update({"annotations": annotations}) # Get data for heatmap if heatmap_entry is not None: ph_range = np.arange(-2, 16.001, 0.1) v_range = np.arange(-2, 4.001, 0.1) ph_mesh, v_mesh = np.meshgrid(ph_range, v_range) decomposition_e = pourbaix_diagram.get_decomposition_energy( heatmap_entry, ph_mesh, v_mesh ) # Generate hoverinfo hovertexts = [] for ph_val, v_val, de_val in zip( ph_mesh.ravel(), v_mesh.ravel(), decomposition_e.ravel() ): hovertext = [ f"∆G<sub>pbx</sub>={de_val:.2f}", f"ph={ph_val:.2f}", f"V={v_val:.2f}", ] hovertext = "<br>".join(hovertext) hovertexts.append(hovertext) hovertexts = np.reshape(hovertexts, list(decomposition_e.shape)) # Enforce decomposition limit energy decomposition_e = np.min( [decomposition_e, np.ones(decomposition_e.shape)], axis=0 ) heatmap_formula = unicodeify( Composition(heatmap_entry.composition).reduced_formula ) hmap = go.Contour( z=decomposition_e, x=list(ph_range), y=list(v_range), colorbar={ "title": "∆G<sub>pbx</sub> (eV/atom)", "titleside": "right", }, colorscale=PourbaixDiagramComponent.colorscale, # or magma zmin=0, zmax=1, connectgaps=True, line_smoothing=0, line_width=0, # contours_coloring="heatmap", text=hovertexts, name=f"{heatmap_formula} ({heatmap_entry.entry_id}) Heatmap", showlegend=True, ) data.append(hmap) if show_water_lines: ph_range = [-2, 16] # hydrogen line data.append( go.Scatter( x=[ph_range[0], ph_range[1]], y=[-ph_range[0] * PREFAC, -ph_range[1] * PREFAC], mode="lines", line={"color": "orange", "dash": "dash"}, name="Hydrogen Stability Line", ) ) # oxygen line data.append( go.Scatter( x=[ph_range[0], ph_range[1]], y=[-ph_range[0] * PREFAC + 1.23, -ph_range[1] * PREFAC + 1.23], mode="lines", line={"color": "orange", "dash": "dash"}, name="Oxygen Stability Line", ) ) # h_line = np.transpose([[xlim[0], -xlim[0] * PREFAC], [xlim[1], -xlim[1] * PREFAC]]) # o_line = np.transpose([[xlim[0], -xlim[0] * PREFAC + 1.23], [xlim[1], -xlim[1] * PREFAC + 1.23]]) # # SHE line # # data.append(go.Scatter( # # # # )) figure = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) return figure
# TODO: format formula
[docs] @staticmethod def clean_formula(formula): # Superscript charges clean_formula = re.sub(r"\[([0-9+-]+)\]", r"<sup>\1</sup>", formula) # Subscript coefficients clean_formula = re.sub( r"([A-Za-z\(\)])([\d\.]+)", r"\1<sub>\2</sub>", clean_formula ) return clean_formula
@property def _sub_layouts(self): options = html.Div( [ self.get_bool_input( "filter_solids", state=self.default_state, label="Filter Solids", help_str="Whether to filter solid phases by stability on the compositional phase diagram. " "The practical consequence of this is that highly oxidized or reduced phases that " "might show up in experiments due to kinetic limitations on oxygen/hydrogen evolution " "won’t appear in the diagram, but they are not actually “stable” (and are frequently " "overstabilized from DFT errors). Hence, including only the stable solid phases generally " "leads to the most accurate Pourbaix diagrams.", ), self.get_bool_input( "show_heatmap", # kwarg_label state=self.default_state, label="Show Heatmap", help_str="Hide or show a heatmap showing the decomposition energy for a specific " "entry in this system.", ), html.Div( [ self.get_choice_input( "heatmap_choice", state={}, label="Heatmap entry", help_str="Choose the entry to use for heatmap generation.", disabled=True, ) ],"heatmap_choice_container"), ), html.Div("element_specific_controls")), ] ) graph = html.Div( dcc.Graph( figure=go.Figure(layout=PourbaixDiagramComponent.empty_plot_style),"graph"), responsive=True, config={"displayModeBar": False, "displaylogo": False}, ), style={"min-height": "500px"}, ) return {"graph": graph, "options": options}
[docs] def layout(self): return html.Div( children=[ self._sub_layouts["options"], self._sub_layouts["graph"], ] )
[docs] def generate_callbacks(self, app, cache): @app.callback( Output("heatmap_choice_container"), "children"), Input(, "data"), ) def update_heatmap_choices(entries): if not entries: raise PreventUpdate options = [] for entry in entries: if entry["entry_id"].startswith("mp"): composition = Composition(entry["entry"]["composition"]) formula = unicodeify(composition.reduced_formula) mpid = entry["entry_id"] options.append({"label": f"{formula} ({mpid})", "value": mpid}) heatmap_options = self.get_choice_input( "heatmap_choice", state={}, label="Heatmap Entry", help_str="Choose the entry to use for heatmap generation.", options=options, disabled=False, ) return heatmap_options @app.callback( Output("element_specific_controls"), "children"), Input(, "data"), Input(self.get_kwarg_id("heatmap_choice"), "value"), [State(self.get_kwarg_id("show_heatmap"), "value")], ) def update_element_specific_sliders(entries, heatmap_choice, show_heatmap): if not entries: raise PreventUpdate elements = set() kwargs = self.reconstruct_kwargs_from_state() heatmap_choice = kwargs.get("heatmap_choice") show_heatmap = kwargs.get("show_heatmap") heatmap_entry = None for entry in entries: if entry["entry_id"].startswith("mp"): composition = Composition(entry["entry"]["composition"]) elements.update(composition.elements) if entry["entry_id"] == heatmap_choice: heatmap_entry = entry # exclude O and H elements = elements - ELEMENTS_HO comp_defaults = {element: 1 / len(elements) for element in elements} comp_inputs = [] conc_inputs = [] for element in sorted(elements): if len(elements) > 1: comp_input = html.Div( [ self.get_slider_input( f"comp-{element}", default=comp_defaults[element], label=f"Composition of {element}", domain=[0, 1], step=0.01, ) ] ) comp_inputs.append(comp_input) conc_input = html.Div( [ self.get_numerical_input( f"conc-{element}", default=1e-6, label=f"Concentration of {element} ion", style={"width": "10rem"}, ) ] ) conc_inputs.append(conc_input) comp_conc_controls = [] if comp_inputs and (not show_heatmap) and (not heatmap_entry): comp_conc_controls += comp_inputs comp_conc_controls.append( ctl.Block(html.Div("display-composition"))) ) if len(elements) > 1: comp_conc_controls.append(ctl.Label("Set Ion Concentrations")) else: comp_conc_controls.append(ctl.Label("Set Ion Concentration")) comp_conc_controls += conc_inputs comp_conc_controls = html.Div(comp_conc_controls) return comp_conc_controls @app.callback( Output("display-composition"), "children"), Input(self.get_all_kwargs_id(), "value"), ) def update_displayed_composition(*args): kwargs = self.reconstruct_kwargs_from_state() comp_dict = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if "comp" in k: # keys are encoded like "comp-Ag" el = k.split("-")[1] comp_dict[el] = v comp_dict = comp_dict or None if not comp_dict: return "" try: comp = Composition(comp_dict) formula = Composition( comp.get_integer_formula_and_factor()[0] ).reduced_formula except Exception: return html.Small( "Invalid composition selected.", style={"color": "red"} ) return html.Small(f"Pourbaix composition set to {unicodeify(formula)}.") @cache.memoize(timeout=5 * 60) def get_pourbaix_diagram(pourbaix_entries, **kwargs): return PourbaixDiagram(pourbaix_entries, **kwargs) @app.callback( Output("graph"), "figure"), [ Input(, "data"), Input(self.get_all_kwargs_id(), "value"), ], ) def make_figure(pourbaix_entries, *args): if pourbaix_entries is None: raise PreventUpdate kwargs = self.reconstruct_kwargs_from_state() pourbaix_entries = self.from_data(pourbaix_entries) # Get heatmap id if kwargs["show_heatmap"] and kwargs.get("heatmap_choice"): # get Entry object based on the heatmap_choice, which is entry_id string heatmap_entry = next( entry for entry in pourbaix_entries if entry.entry_id == kwargs["heatmap_choice"] ) # if using heatmap, comp_dict is constrained and is set automatically comp_dict = { element: coeff for element, coeff in heatmap_entry.composition.items() if element not in ELEMENTS_HO } else: heatmap_entry = None # otherwise, user sets comp_dict comp_dict = {} # e.g. kwargs contains {"comp-Ag": 0.5, "comp-Fe": 0.5}, # essentially {slider_name: slider_value} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if "comp" in k: # keys are encoded like "comp-Ag" el = k.split("-")[1] comp_dict[el] = v comp_dict = comp_dict or None conc_dict = {} # e.g. kwargs contains {"conc-Ag": 1e-6, "conc-Fe": 1e-4}, # essentially {slider_name: slider_value} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if "conc" in k: # keys are encoded like "conc-Ag" el = k.split("-")[1] conc_dict[el] = v conc_dict = conc_dict or None pourbaix_diagram = get_pourbaix_diagram( pourbaix_entries, comp_dict=comp_dict, conc_dict=conc_dict, filter_solids=kwargs["filter_solids"], ) self.logger.debug( "Generated pourbaix diagram", len(pourbaix_entries), heatmap_entry, conc_dict, comp_dict, ) fig = self.get_figure( pourbaix_diagram, heatmap_entry=heatmap_entry, ) return fig
# TODO # def graph_layout(self): # return self._sub_layouts["graph"]