Source code for crystal_toolkit.components.phase_diagram

import dash
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from dash import dash_table, dcc, html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
from pymatgen.analysis.phase_diagram import PDEntry, PDPlotter, PhaseDiagram
from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition
from pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester

from crystal_toolkit.core.mpcomponent import MPComponent
from crystal_toolkit.core.panelcomponent import PanelComponent
from crystal_toolkit.helpers.layouts import (

# Author: Matthew McDermott
# Contact:

[docs]class PhaseDiagramComponent(MPComponent): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.create_store("mpid") self.create_store("chemsys-internal") self.create_store("chemsys-external") self.create_store("figure") self.create_store("entries") # Default plot layouts for Binary (2), Ternary (3), Quaternary (4) phase diagrams default_binary_plot_style = dict( xaxis={ "title": "Fraction", "anchor": "y", "mirror": "ticks", "nticks": 8, "showgrid": False, "showline": True, "side": "bottom", "tickfont": {"size": 16.0}, "ticks": "inside", "titlefont": {"color": "#000000", "size": 24.0}, "type": "linear", "zeroline": False, }, yaxis={ "title": "Formation energy (eV/fu)", "anchor": "x", "mirror": "ticks", "nticks": 7, "showgrid": False, "showline": True, "side": "left", "tickfont": {"size": 16.0}, "ticks": "inside", "titlefont": {"color": "#000000", "size": 24.0}, "type": "linear", "zeroline": False, }, paper_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", plot_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", height=550, width=500, hovermode="closest", showlegend=True, legend=dict( orientation="h", traceorder="reversed", x=1.0, y=1.08, xanchor="right", tracegroupgap=5, ), margin=dict(l=80, b=70, t=10, r=20), ) default_ternary_plot_style = dict( xaxis=dict( title=None, autorange=True, showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showline=False, ticks="", showticklabels=False, ), yaxis=dict( title=None, autorange=True, showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showline=False, ticks="", showticklabels=False, ), autosize=True, height=450, width=500, hovermode="closest", paper_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", plot_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", margin=dict(b=30, l=30, pad=0, t=0, r=20), showlegend=True, legend=dict( orientation="h", traceorder="reversed", x=1.0, y=1.08, xanchor="right", tracegroupgap=5, ), ) default_3d_axis = dict( title=None, visible=False, autorange=True, showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showline=False, ticks="", showaxeslabels=False, showticklabels=False, showspikes=False, ) default_quaternary_plot_style = dict( autosize=True, height=450, hovermode="closest", margin=dict(b=30, l=30, pad=0, t=0, r=20), paper_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", plot_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", showlegend=True, legend=dict( orientation="h", traceorder="reversed", x=1.0, y=1.08, xanchor="right", tracegroupgap=5, ), scene=dict(xaxis=default_3d_axis, yaxis=default_3d_axis, zaxis=default_3d_axis), ) empty_plot_style = { "xaxis": {"visible": False}, "yaxis": {"visible": False}, "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", } colorscale = [ [0.0, "#008d00"], [0.1111111111111111, "#4b9f3f"], [0.2222222222222222, "#73b255"], [0.3333333333333333, "#97c65b"], [0.4444444444444444, "#b9db53"], [0.5555555555555556, "#ffdcdf"], [0.6666666666666666, "#ffb8bf"], [0.7777777777777778, "#fd92a0"], [0.8888888888888888, "#f46b86"], [1.0, "#e24377"], ] default_table_params = [ {"col": "Material ID", "edit": False}, {"col": "Formula", "edit": True}, {"col": "Formation Energy (eV/atom)", "edit": True}, {"col": "Energy Above Hull (eV/atom)", "edit": False}, {"col": "Predicted Stable?", "edit": False}, ] empty_row = { "Material ID": None, "Formula": "INSERT", "Formation Energy (eV/atom)": "INSERT", "Energy Above Hull (eV/atom)": None, "Predicted Stable": None, }
[docs] def figure_layout(self, plotter, pd): dim = pd.dim if dim not in [2, 3, 4]: raise ValueError("Phase diagram must be for 2, 3, or 4 components!") annotations_list = [] for coords, entry in plotter.pd_plot_data[1].items(): x, y = coords[0], coords[1] if dim == 4: if not entry.composition.is_element: continue else: z = coords[2] formula = list(entry.composition.reduced_formula) clean_formula = self.clean_formula(formula) annotation = { "align": "center", "font": {"color": "#000000", "size": 20.0}, "opacity": 1, "showarrow": False, "text": clean_formula, "x": x, "xanchor": "right", "yanchor": "auto", "xshift": -10, "yshift": -10, "xref": "x", "y": y, "yref": "y", } if dim == 3: annotation.update({"font": {"color": "#000000", "size": 18.0}}) elif dim == 4: annotation.update({"z": z}) for d in ["xref", "yref"]: annotation.pop(d) # Scatter3d cannot contain xref, yref annotations_list.append(annotation) if dim == 2: layout = self.default_binary_plot_style layout["annotations"] = annotations_list elif dim == 3: layout = self.default_ternary_plot_style layout["annotations"] = annotations_list elif dim == 4: layout = self.default_quaternary_plot_style layout["scene"].update( { "annotations": annotations_list, "camera": dict( up=dict(x=0, y=0, z=1), center=dict(x=-0.15, y=-0.2, z=0), eye=dict(x=1.25, y=1.25, z=1.25), ), } ) return layout
[docs] def create_markers(self, plotter, pd): x_list = [] y_list = [] z_list = [] text = [] energy_list = [] dim = pd.dim for coord, entry in plotter.pd_plot_data[1].items(): energy = round(pd.get_form_energy_per_atom(entry), 3) energy_list.append(energy) mpid = entry.attribute formula = entry.composition.reduced_formula clean_formula = self.clean_formula(formula) x_list.append(coord[0]) y_list.append(coord[1]) if dim == 4: z_list.append(coord[2]) text.append(f"{clean_formula} ({mpid})<br> {str(energy)} eV") if dim == 2 or dim == 3: marker_plot = go.Scatter( x=x_list, y=y_list, mode="markers", name="Stable", marker=dict( color=energy_list, size=11, colorscale=self.colorscale, line=dict(width=2, color="#000000"), ), hoverinfo="text", hoverlabel=dict(font=dict(size=14)), showlegend=True, hovertext=text, ) if dim == 4: marker_plot = go.Scatter3d( x=x_list, y=y_list, z=z_list, mode="markers", name="Stable", marker=dict( color=energy_list, size=8, colorscale=self.colorscale, line=dict(width=2, color="#000000"), ), hoverinfo="text", hoverlabel=dict(font=dict(size=14)), hovertext=text, showlegend=True, ) return marker_plot
[docs] def create_unstable_markers(self, plotter, pd): x_list = [] y_list = [] z_list = [] text_list = [] dim = pd.dim for (unstable_entry, unstable_coord) in plotter.pd_plot_data[2].items(): x_list.append(unstable_coord[0]) y_list.append(unstable_coord[1]) if dim == 4: z_list.append(unstable_coord[2]) mpid = unstable_entry.attribute formula = list(unstable_entry.composition.reduced_formula) e_above_hull = round(pd.get_e_above_hull(unstable_entry), 3) clean_formula = self.clean_formula(formula) energy = round(pd.get_form_energy_per_atom(unstable_entry), 3) text_list.append( f"{clean_formula} ({mpid})<br>" f"{energy} eV (+{e_above_hull} eV)" ) if dim == 2 or dim == 3: unstable_marker_plot = go.Scatter( x=x_list, y=y_list, mode="markers", hoverinfo="text", hovertext=text_list, visible="legendonly", name="Unstable", marker=dict(color="#ff0000", size=12, symbol="x"), ) elif dim == 4: unstable_marker_plot = go.Scatter3d( x=x_list, y=y_list, z=z_list, mode="markers", hoverinfo="text", hovertext=text_list, visible="legendonly", name="Unstable", marker=dict(color="#ff0000", size=4, symbol="x"), ) return unstable_marker_plot
[docs] @staticmethod def create_table_content(pd): data = [] for entry in pd.all_entries: try: mpid = entry.entry_id except Exception: mpid = entry.attribute # accounting for custom entry try: data.append( { "Material ID": mpid, "Formula":, "Formation Energy (eV/atom)": round( pd.get_form_energy_per_atom(entry), 3 ), "Energy Above Hull (eV/atom)": round( pd.get_e_above_hull(entry), 3 ), "Predicted Stable?": ( "Yes" if pd.get_e_above_hull(entry) == 0 else "No" ), } ) except Exception: data.append({}) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def clean_formula(formula): s = [] for char in formula: if char.isdigit(): s.append(f"<sub>{char}</sub>") else: s.append(char) clean_formula = "".join(s) return clean_formula
[docs] @staticmethod def ternary_plot(plot_data): """ Return a ternary phase diagram in a two-dimensional plot. Args: plot_data: plot data from PDPlotter Returns: go.Figure """ go.Scatterternary( { "mode": "markers", "a": ..., # list_of_a_comp "b": ..., "c": ..., "text": ..., "marker": { "symbol": 100, "color": ..., "size": ..., "line": {"width": 2}, }, } ) go.Scatterternary({"mode": "lines", "a": ..., "b": ..., "c": ..., "line": ...}) go.Layout( { "title": "Ternary Scatter Plot", "ternary": { "sum": 1, "aaxis": { "title": "X", "min": 0.01, "linewidth": 2, "ticks": "outside", }, "baxis": { "title": "W", "min": 0.01, "linewidth": 2, "ticks": "outside", }, "caxis": { "title": "S", "min": 0.01, "linewidth": 2, "ticks": "outside", }, }, "showlegend": False, } ) return go.Figure()
@property def _sub_layouts(self): graph = html.Div( [ dcc.Graph( figure=go.Figure(layout=PhaseDiagramComponent.empty_plot_style),"graph"), config={"displayModeBar": False, "displaylogo": False}, ) ],"pd-div"), ) table = html.Div( [ html.Div( dash_table.DataTable("entry-table"), columns=( [ { "id": p["col"], "name": p["col"], "editable": p["edit"], } for p in self.default_table_params ] ), style_table={ "maxHeight": "450px", "overflowY": "auto", "border": "thin lightgrey solid", }, # n_fixed_rows=1, sort_action="native", editable=True, row_deletable=True, style_header={ "backgroundColor": "rgb(230, 249, 255)", "fontWeight": "bold", }, style_cell={ "fontFamily": "IBM Plex Sans", "textAlign": "centered", "whiteSpace": "normal", }, css=[ { "selector": ".dash-cell div.dash-cell-value", "rule": "display: inline; white-space: inherit; overflow: inherit; " "text-overflow: inherit;", } ], style_cell_conditional=[ {"if": {"column_id": "Material ID"}, "width": "20%"}, {"if": {"column_id": "Formula"}, "width": "20%"}, ], ) ), Button( "Add Custom Entry","editing-rows-button"), kind="primary", n_clicks=0, ), html.P("Enter composition and formation energy per atom."), ] ) return {"graph": graph, "table": table}
[docs] def layout(self): return html.Div( [ Columns( [ Column(self._sub_layouts["graph"]), Column(self._sub_layouts["table"]), ], centered=True, ) ] )
[docs] def generate_callbacks(self, app, cache): @app.callback( Output("pd-div"), "children"), [Input("figure"), "data")] ) def update_graph(figure): if figure is None: raise PreventUpdate elif figure == "error": search_error = ( MessageContainer( [ MessageBody( dcc.Markdown( "Plotting is only available for phase diagrams containing 2-4 components." ) ) ], kind="warning", ), ) return search_error else: plot = [ dcc.Graph( figure=figure, config={"displayModeBar": False, "displaylogo": False}, ) ] return plot @app.callback(Output("figure"), "data"), [Input(, "data")]) def make_figure(pd): if pd is None: raise PreventUpdate pd = self.from_data(pd) dim = pd.dim if dim not in [2, 3, 4]: return "error" plotter = PDPlotter(pd) data = [] for line in plotter.pd_plot_data[0]: if dim == 2 or dim == 3: data.append( go.Scatter( x=list(line[0]), y=list(line[1]), # create all phase diagram lines mode="lines", hoverinfo="none", line={ "color": "rgba (0, 0, 0, 1)", "dash": "solid", "width": 3.0, }, showlegend=False, ) ) elif dim == 4: data.append( go.Scatter3d( x=list(line[0]), y=list(line[1]), z=list(line[2]), mode="lines", hoverinfo="none", line={ "color": "rgba (0, 0, 0, 1)", "dash": "solid", "width": 3.0, }, showlegend=False, ) ) data.append(self.create_unstable_markers(plotter, pd)) data.append(self.create_markers(plotter, pd)) fig = go.Figure(data=data) fig.layout = self.figure_layout(plotter, pd) return fig @app.callback(Output(, "data"), [Input("entries"), "data")]) def create_pd_object(entries): if entries is None or not entries: raise PreventUpdate entries = self.from_data(entries) return PhaseDiagram(entries) @app.callback( Output("entries"), "data"), [Input("entry-table"), "derived_virtual_data")], ) def update_entries_store(rows): if rows is None: raise PreventUpdate entries = [] for row in rows: try: comp = Composition(row["Formula"]) energy = row["Formation Energy (eV/atom)"] if row["Material ID"] is None: attribute = "Custom Entry" else: attribute = row["Material ID"] # create new entry object containing mpid as attribute (to combine with custom entries) entry = PDEntry( comp, float(energy) * comp.num_atoms, attribute=attribute ) entries.append(entry) except Exception: continue if not entries: raise PreventUpdate return entries @app.callback( Output("entry-table"), "data"), [ Input("chemsys-internal"), "data"), Input(, "modified_timestamp"), Input("editing-rows-button"), "n_clicks"), ], [State(, "data"), State("entry-table"), "data")], ) def create_table(chemsys, pd_time, n_clicks, pd, rows): ctx = dash.callback_context if ctx is None or not ctx.triggered or chemsys is None: raise PreventUpdate trigger = ctx.triggered[0] # PD update trigger if trigger["prop_id"] == f"{}.modified_timestamp": table_content = self.create_table_content(self.from_data(pd)) return table_content elif trigger["prop_id"] == f"{'editing-rows-button')}.n_clicks": if n_clicks > 0 and rows: rows.append(self.empty_row) return rows with MPRester() as mpr: entries = mpr.get_entries_in_chemsys(chemsys) pd = PhaseDiagram(entries) table_content = self.create_table_content(pd) return table_content @app.callback( Output("chemsys-internal"), "data"), [ Input("mpid"), "data"), Input("chemsys-external"), "data"), ], ) def get_chemsys_from_mpid_or_chemsys(mpid, chemsys_external: str): """ :param mpid: mpid :param chemsys_external: chemsys, e.g. "Co-O" :return: chemsys """ ctx = dash.callback_context if ctx is None or not ctx.triggered: raise PreventUpdate trigger = ctx.triggered[0] if trigger["value"] is None: raise PreventUpdate chemsys = None # get entries by mpid if trigger["prop_id"] == f"{'mpid')}.data": with MPRester() as mpr: entry = mpr.get_entry_by_material_id(mpid) chemsys = entry.composition.chemical_system # get entries by chemsys if trigger["prop_id"] == f"{'chemsys-external')}.data": chemsys = chemsys_external return chemsys
[docs]class PhaseDiagramPanelComponent(PanelComponent): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.pd_component = PhaseDiagramComponent() self.pd_component.attach_from(self, this_store_name="struct") @property def title(self): return "Phase Diagram" @property def description(self): return ( "Display the compositional phase diagram for the" " chemical system containing this structure (between 2-4 species)." )
[docs] def update_contents(self, new_store_contents, *args): return self.pd_component.layout