Source code for crystal_toolkit.components.localenv

import itertools
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from warnings import warn

import dash_mp_components as mpc
from dash import callback_context, dcc, html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
from pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.coordination_environments.chemenv_strategies import (
from pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.coordination_environments.coordination_geometries import (
from pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.coordination_environments.coordination_geometry_finder import (
from pymatgen.analysis.chemenv.coordination_environments.structure_environments import (
from pymatgen.analysis.graphs import MoleculeGraph, StructureGraph
from pymatgen.analysis.local_env import LocalStructOrderParams, cn_opt_params
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule, Structure
from pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester
from import AseAtomsAdaptor
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
from pymatgen.util.string import unicodeify, unicodeify_species
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize

from crystal_toolkit.components.structure import StructureMoleculeComponent
from crystal_toolkit.core.legend import Legend
from crystal_toolkit.core.panelcomponent import PanelComponent
from crystal_toolkit.helpers.layouts import (

    from dscribe.descriptors import SOAP
    from dscribe.kernels import REMatchKernel
except ImportError:
        "Using dscribe SOAP and REMatchKernel requires the dscribe package "
        "which was made optional since it in turn requires numba and numba "
        "was a common source of installation issues."
    SOAP = None

def _get_local_order_parameters(structure_graph, n):
    A copy of the method in pymatgen.analysis.local_env which
    can operate on StructureGraph directly.

    Calculate those local structure order parameters for
    the given site whose ideal CN corresponds to the
    underlying motif (e.g., CN=4, then calculate the
    square planar, tetrahedral, see-saw-like,
    rectangular see-saw-like order parameters).
        structure_graph: StructureGraph object
        n (int): site index.
    Returns (Dict[str, float]):
        A dict of order parameters (values) and the
        underlying motif type (keys; for example, tetrahedral).
    # TODO: move me to pymatgen once stable

    # code from @nisse3000, moved here from graphs to avoid circular
    # import, also makes sense to have this as a general NN method
    cn = structure_graph.get_coordination_of_site(n)
    if cn in [int(k_cn) for k_cn in cn_opt_params]:
        names = [k for k in cn_opt_params[cn]]
        types = []
        params = []
        for name in names:
            tmp = (
                cn_opt_params[cn][name][1] if len(cn_opt_params[cn][name]) > 1 else None
        lostops = LocalStructOrderParams(types, parameters=params)
        sites = [structure_graph.structure[n]] + [
            for connected_site in structure_graph.get_connected_sites(n)
        lostop_vals = lostops.get_order_parameters(
            sites, 0, indices_neighs=[i for i in range(1, cn + 1)]
        d = {}
        for i, lostop in enumerate(lostop_vals):
            d[names[i]] = lostop
        return d
        return None

[docs]class LocalEnvironmentPanel(PanelComponent): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.create_store("graph") self.create_store( "display_options", initial_data={"color_scheme": "Jmol", "color_scale": None}, ) @property def title(self): return "Local Environments" @property def description(self): return "Analyze the local chemical environments in your crystal." @property def loading_text(self): return "Analyzing environments"
[docs] def contents_layout(self) -> html.Div: algorithm_choices = self.get_choice_input( label="Analysis method", kwarg_label="algorithm", state={"algorithm": "chemenv"}, options=[ {"label": "ChemEnv", "value": "chemenv"}, {"label": "LocalEnv", "value": "localenv"}, {"label": "Bonding Graph", "value": "bondinggraph"}, {"label": "SOAP", "value": "soap"}, ], help_str="Choose an analysis method to examine the local chemical environment. " "Several methods exist and there is no guaranteed correct answer, so try multiple!", ) analysis = html.Div("analysis")) return html.Div([algorithm_choices, html.Br(), analysis, html.Br()])
[docs] @staticmethod def get_graph_data(graph, display_options): color_scheme = display_options.get("color_scheme", "Jmol") nodes = [] edges = [] struct_or_mol = StructureMoleculeComponent._get_struct_or_mol(graph) legend = Legend(struct_or_mol, color_scheme=color_scheme) for idx, node in enumerate(graph.graph.nodes()): # TODO: fix for disordered node_color = legend.get_color( struct_or_mol[node].species.elements[0], site=struct_or_mol[node] ) nodes.append( { "id": node, "title": f"{struct_or_mol[node].species_string} site " f"({graph.get_coordination_of_site(idx)} neighbors)", "color": node_color, } ) for u, v, d in graph.graph.edges(data=True): edge = {"from": u, "to": v, "arrows": ""} to_jimage = d.get("to_jimage", (0, 0, 0)) # TODO: check these edge weights if isinstance(struct_or_mol, Structure): dist = struct_or_mol.get_distance(u, v, jimage=to_jimage) else: dist = struct_or_mol.get_distance(u, v) edge["length"] = 50 * dist if to_jimage != (0, 0, 0): edge["arrows"] = "to" label = f"{dist:.2f} Å to site at image vector {to_jimage}" else: label = f"{dist:.2f} Å between sites" if label: edge["title"] = label # if 'weight' in d: # label += f" {d['weight']}" edges.append(edge) return {"nodes": nodes, "edges": edges}
[docs] def generate_callbacks(self, app, cache): super().generate_callbacks(app, cache) @app.callback( Output("analysis"), "children"), [Input(self.get_kwarg_id("algorithm"), "value")], ) def run_algorithm(algorithm): algorithm = self.reconstruct_kwarg_from_state( callback_context.inputs, "algorithm" ) if algorithm == "chemenv": state = {"distance_cutoff": 1.4, "angle_cutoff": 0.3} description = ( "The ChemEnv algorithm is developed by David Waroquiers et al. to analyze " 'local chemical environments. In this interactive app, the "SimplestChemenvStrategy" ' 'and "LightStructureEnvironments" are used. For more powerful analysis, please use ' "the *pymatgen* code directly. Note that this analysis determines its own bonds independent " "of those shown in the main crystal visualizer." ) distance_cutoff = self.get_numerical_input( label="Distance cut-off", kwarg_label="distance_cutoff", state=state, help_str="Defines search radius by considering any atom within a radius " "of the minimum nearest neighbor distance multiplied by the distance " "cut-off.", shape=(), ) angle_cutoff = self.get_numerical_input( label="Angle cut-off", kwarg_label="angle_cutoff", state=state, help_str="Defines a tolerance whereby a neighbor atom is excluded if the solid angle " "circumscribed by its Voronoi face is smaller than the angle tolerance " "multiplied by the largest solid angle present in the crystal.", shape=(), ) return html.Div( [ dcc.Markdown(description), html.Br(), cite_me( cite_text="How to cite ChemEnv", doi="10.1107/S2052520620007994", ), html.Br(), distance_cutoff, angle_cutoff, html.Br(), Loading("chemenv_analysis")), ] ) elif algorithm == "localenv": description = ( "The LocalEnv algorithm is developed by Nils Zimmerman et al. whereby " "an 'order parameter' is calculated that measures how well that " "environment matches an ideal polyhedra. The order parameter " "is a number from zero to one, with one being a perfect match." ) return html.Div( [ dcc.Markdown(description), html.Br(), cite_me( cite_text="How to cite LocalEnv", doi="10.3389/fmats.2017.00034", ), html.Br(), Loading("localenv_analysis")), ] ) elif algorithm == "bondinggraph": description = ( "This is an alternative way to display the same bonds present in the " "visualizer. Here, the bonding is displayed as a crystal graph, with " "nodes as atoms and edges as bonds. The graph visualization is shown in an " "abstract two-dimensional space." ) return html.Div( [ dcc.Markdown(description), html.Br(), Loading("bondinggraph_analysis")), ] ) elif algorithm == "soap": state = { "rcut": 5.0, "nmax": 2, "lmax": 2, "sigma": 0.2, "crossover": True, "average": False, "rbf": "gto", "alpha": 0.1, "threshold": 1e-4, "metric": "linear", "normalize_kernel": True, } description = ( 'The "Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions" (SOAP) descriptor provides information on the local ' "atomic environment by encoding that environment as a power spectrum derived from the " "spherical harmonics of atom-centered gaussian densities. The SOAP formalism is complex but is " "described well in [Bartók et al.]( " "and the REMatch similarity kernel in [De et al.]( " "The implementation of SOAP in this " "web app is provided by [DScribe]( " "" "SOAP kernels are commonly used in machine learning applications. This interface is provided to " "help gain intuition and exploration of the behavior of SOAP kernels." ) rcut = self.get_numerical_input( label="Radial cut-off /Å", kwarg_label="rcut", state=state, help_str="The radial cut-off that defines the local region being considered", shape=(), min=1.0001, ) nmax = self.get_numerical_input( label="N max.", kwarg_label="nmax", state=state, help_str="Number of radial basis functions", shape=(), is_int=True, min=1, max=9, ) lmax = self.get_numerical_input( label="L max.", kwarg_label="lmax", state=state, help_str="Maximum degree of spherical harmonics", shape=(), is_int=True, min=1, max=9, ) sigma = self.get_numerical_input( label="Sigma", kwarg_label="sigma", state=state, help_str="The standard deviation of gaussians used to build atomic density", shape=(), min=0.00001, ) rbf = self.get_choice_input( label="Radial basis function", kwarg_label="rbf", state=state, help_str="Polynomial basis is faster, spherical gaussian based was used in original formulation", options=[ {"label": "Spherical gaussian basis", "value": "gto"}, {"label": "Polynomial basis", "value": "polynomial"}, ], style={"width": "16rem"}, # TODO: remove in-line style ) crossover = self.get_bool_input( label="Crossover", kwarg_label="crossover", state=state, help_str="If enabled, the power spectrum will include all combinations of elements present.", ) average = self.get_bool_input( label="Average", kwarg_label="average", state=state, help_str="If enabled, the SOAP vector will be averaged across all sites.", ) alpha = self.get_numerical_input( label="Alpha", kwarg_label="alpha", state=state, help_str="Determines the entropic penalty in the REMatch kernel. As alpha goes to infinity, the " "behavior of the REMatch kernel matches the behavior of the kernel where SOAP vectors " "are averaged across all sites. As alpha goes to zero, the kernel matches the best match " "kernel.", shape=(), min=0.00001, ) threshold = self.get_numerical_input( label="Sinkhorn threshold", kwarg_label="threshold", state=state, help_str="Convergence threshold for the Sinkhorn algorithm. If values are too small, convergence " "may not be possible, and calculation time will increase.", shape=(), ) metric = self.get_choice_input( label="Metric", kwarg_label="metric", state=state, help_str='See scikit-learn\'s documentation on "Pairwise metrics, Affinities and Kernels" ' "for an explanation of available metrics.", options=[ # {"label": "Additive χ2", "value": "additive_chi2"}, # these seem to be unstable # {"label": "Exponential χ2", "value": "chi2"}, {"label": "Linear", "value": "linear"}, {"label": "Polynomial", "value": "polynomial"}, {"label": "Radial basis function", "value": "rbf"}, {"label": "Laplacian", "value": "laplacian"}, {"label": "Sigmoid", "value": "sigmoid"}, {"label": "Cosine", "value": "cosine"}, ], style={"width": "16rem"}, # TODO: remove in-line style ) normalize_kernel = self.get_bool_input( label="Normalize", kwarg_label="normalize_kernel", state=state, help_str="Whether or not to normalize the resulting similarity kernel.", ) # metric_kwargs = self.get_dict_input() return html.Div( [ dcc.Markdown(description), html.Br(), H5("SOAP parameters"), rcut, nmax, lmax, sigma, rbf, crossover, average, html.Br(), # TODO: remove all html.Br(), add appropriate styles instead html.Br(), html.Div("soap_analysis")), html.Br(), html.Br(), H5("Similarity metric parameters"), html.Div( "This will calculate structural similarity scores from materials in the " "Materials Project in the same chemical system. Note that for large chemical " "systems this step can take several minutes." ), html.Br(), alpha, threshold, metric, # normalize_kernel, html.Br(), html.Br(), Loading("soap_similarities")), ] ) def _get_soap_graph(feature, label): spectrum = { "data": [ { "coloraxis": "coloraxis", # 'hovertemplate': 'x: %{x}<br>y: %{y}<br>color: %{z}<extra></extra>', "type": "heatmap", "z": feature.tolist(), } ] } spectrum["layout"] = { "xaxis": {"visible": False}, "yaxis": {"visible": False}, "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "coloraxis": { "colorscale": [ [0.0, "#0d0887"], [0.1111111111111111, "#46039f"], [0.2222222222222222, "#7201a8"], [0.3333333333333333, "#9c179e"], [0.4444444444444444, "#bd3786"], [0.5555555555555556, "#d8576b"], [0.6666666666666666, "#ed7953"], [0.7777777777777778, "#fb9f3a"], [0.8888888888888888, "#fdca26"], [1.0, "#f0f921"], ], "showscale": False, }, "margin": {"l": 0, "b": 0, "t": 0, "r": 0, "pad": 0}, # "height": 20*feature.shape[0], # for fixed size plots # "width": 20*feature.shape[1] } return Columns( [ Column(Label(label), size="1"), Column( dcc.Graph( figure=spectrum, config={"displayModeBar": False}, responsive=True, style={"height": "60px"}, ) ), ] ) @app.callback( Output("soap_analysis"), "children"), [Input(, "data"), Input(self.get_all_kwargs_id(), "value")], ) def update_soap_analysis(struct, all_kwargs): if not struct: raise PreventUpdate if not SOAP: return mpc.Markdown( "This feature will not work unless `dscribe` is installed on the server." ) struct = self.from_data(struct) kwargs = self.reconstruct_kwargs_from_state(callback_context.inputs) # TODO: make sure is_int kwarg information is enforced so that int() conversion is unnecessary desc = SOAP( species=[e.number for e in struct.composition.elements], sigma=kwargs["sigma"], rcut=kwargs["rcut"], nmax=int(kwargs["nmax"]), lmax=int(kwargs["lmax"]), periodic=True, crossover=kwargs["crossover"], sparse=False, average=kwargs["average"], ) adaptor = AseAtomsAdaptor() atoms = adaptor.get_atoms(struct) feature = normalize(desc.create(atoms, n_jobs=cpu_count())) return _get_soap_graph(feature, "SOAP vector for this material") @cache.memoize(timeout=360) def _get_all_structs_from_elements(elements): structs = {} all_chemsyses = [] for i in range(len(elements)): for els in itertools.combinations(elements, i + 1): all_chemsyses.append("-".join(sorted(els))) with MPRester() as mpr: docs = mpr.query( {"chemsys": {"$in": all_chemsyses}}, ["task_id", "structure"] ) structs.update({d["task_id"]: d["structure"] for d in docs}) return structs @app.callback( Output("soap_similarities"), "children"), [Input(, "data"), Input(self.get_all_kwargs_id(), "value")], ) def update_soap_similarities(struct, all_kwargs): if not struct: raise PreventUpdate if not SOAP: return mpc.Markdown( "This feature will not work unless `dscribe` is installed on the server." ) structs = {"input": self.from_data(struct)} kwargs = self.reconstruct_kwargs_from_state(callback_context.inputs) elements = [str(el) for el in structs["input"].composition.elements] structs.update(_get_all_structs_from_elements(elements)) if not structs: raise PreventUpdate elements = { elem for s in structs.values() for elem in s.composition.elements } # TODO: make sure is_int kwarg information is enforced so that int() conversion is unnecessary desc = SOAP( species=[e.number for e in elements], sigma=kwargs["sigma"], rcut=kwargs["rcut"], nmax=int(kwargs["nmax"]), lmax=int(kwargs["lmax"]), periodic=True, crossover=kwargs["crossover"], sparse=False, average=kwargs["average"], ) adaptor = AseAtomsAdaptor() atomss = { mpid: adaptor.get_atoms(struct) for mpid, struct in structs.items() } print(f"Calculating {len(atomss)} SOAP vectors") features = { mpid: normalize(desc.create(atoms, n_jobs=cpu_count())) for mpid, atoms in atomss.items() } re = REMatchKernel( metric=kwargs["metric"], alpha=kwargs["alpha"], threshold=kwargs["threshold"], # normalize_kernel=kwargs["normalize_kernel"], ) print("Calculating similarity kernel") similarities = { mpid: re.get_global_similarity( re.get_pairwise_matrix(features["input"], feature) ) for mpid, feature in features.items() if mpid != "input" } sorted_mpids = sorted(similarities, key=lambda x: -similarities[x]) print("Generating similarity graphs") # TODO: was much slower using px.imshow (see prev commit) all_graphs = [ _get_soap_graph( features[mpid], [ html.Span( f"{unicodeify(structs[mpid].composition.reduced_formula)}" ), dcc.Markdown(f"[{mpid}]({mpid})"), html.Span(f"{similarities[mpid]:.5f}"), ], ) for mpid in sorted_mpids ] print("Returning similarity graphs") return html.Div(all_graphs) @app.callback( Output("localenv_analysis"), "children"), [Input("graph"), "data")], ) def update_localenv_analysis(graph): if not graph: raise PreventUpdate graph = self.from_data(graph) return html.Div( [ str(_get_local_order_parameters(graph, 0)), html.Br(), html.Small("This functionality is still under development."), ] ) @app.callback( Output("bondinggraph_analysis"), "children"), [ Input("graph"), "data"), Input("display_options"), "data"), ], ) def update_bondinggraph_analysis(graph, display_options): if not graph: raise PreventUpdate graph = self.from_data(graph) display_options = self.from_data(display_options) graph_data = self.get_graph_data(graph, display_options) options = { "interaction": { "hover": True, "tooltipDelay": 0, "zoomView": False, "dragView": False, }, "edges": { "smooth": {"type": "dynamic"}, "length": 250, "color": {"inherit": "both"}, }, "physics": { "solver": "forceAtlas2Based", "forceAtlas2Based": {"avoidOverlap": 1.0}, "stabilization": {"fit": True}, }, } return html.Div( [mpc.GraphComponent(graph=graph_data, options=options)], style={"width": "65vmin", "height": "65vmin"}, ) @app.callback( Output("chemenv_analysis"), "children"), [ Input(, "data"), Input(self.get_kwarg_id("distance_cutoff"), "value"), Input(self.get_kwarg_id("angle_cutoff"), "value"), ], ) def get_chemenv_analysis(struct, distance_cutoff, angle_cutoff): if not struct: raise PreventUpdate struct = self.from_data(struct) kwargs = self.reconstruct_kwargs_from_state(callback_context.inputs) distance_cutoff = kwargs["distance_cutoff"] angle_cutoff = kwargs["angle_cutoff"] # TODO: remove these brittle guard statements, figure out more robust way to handle multiple input types if isinstance(struct, StructureGraph): struct = struct.structure def get_valences(struct): valences = [getattr(site.specie, "oxi_state", None) for site in struct] valences = [v for v in valences if v is not None] if len(valences) == len(struct): return valences else: return "undefined" # decide which indices to present to user sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struct) symm_struct = sga.get_symmetrized_structure() inequivalent_indices = [ indices[0] for indices in symm_struct.equivalent_indices ] wyckoffs = symm_struct.wyckoff_symbols lgf = LocalGeometryFinder() lgf.setup_structure(structure=struct) se = lgf.compute_structure_environments( maximum_distance_factor=distance_cutoff + 0.01, only_indices=inequivalent_indices, valences=get_valences(struct), ) strategy = SimplestChemenvStrategy( distance_cutoff=distance_cutoff, angle_cutoff=angle_cutoff ) lse = LightStructureEnvironments.from_structure_environments( strategy=strategy, structure_environments=se ) all_ce = AllCoordinationGeometries() envs = [] unknown_sites = [] for index, wyckoff in zip(inequivalent_indices, wyckoffs): datalist = { "Site": unicodeify_species(struct[index].species_string), "Wyckoff Label": wyckoff, } if not lse.neighbors_sets[index]: unknown_sites.append(f"{struct[index].species_string} ({wyckoff})") continue # represent the local environment as a molecule mol = Molecule.from_sites( [struct[index]] + lse.neighbors_sets[index][0].neighb_sites ) mol = mol.get_centered_molecule() mg = MoleculeGraph.with_empty_graph(molecule=mol) for i in range(1, len(mol)): mg.add_edge(0, i) view = html.Div( [ StructureMoleculeComponent( struct_or_mol=mg, disable_callbacks=True, id=f"{struct.composition.reduced_formula}_site_{index}", scene_settings={"enableZoom": False, "defaultZoom": 0.6}, )._sub_layouts["struct"] ], style={"width": "300px", "height": "300px"}, ) env = lse.coordination_environments[index] co = all_ce.get_geometry_from_mp_symbol(env[0]["ce_symbol"]) name = if co.alternative_names: name += f" (also known as {', '.join(co.alternative_names)})" datalist.update( { "Environment": name, "IUPAC Symbol": co.IUPAC_symbol_str, get_tooltip( "CSM", "The continuous symmetry measure (CSM) describes the similarity to an " "ideal coordination environment. It can be understood as a 'distance' to " "a shape and ranges from 0 to 100 in which 0 corresponds to a " "coordination environment that is exactly identical to the ideal one. A " "CSM larger than 5.0 already indicates a relatively strong distortion of " "the investigated coordination environment.", ): f"{env[0]['csm']:.2f}", "Interactive View": view, } ) envs.append(get_data_list(datalist)) # TODO: switch to tiles? envs_grouped = [envs[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(envs), 2)] analysis_contents = [] for env_group in envs_grouped: analysis_contents.append( Columns([Column(e, size=6) for e in env_group]) ) if unknown_sites: unknown_sites = html.Strong( f"The following sites were not identified: {', '.join(unknown_sites)}. " f"Please try changing the distance or angle cut-offs to identify these sites, " f"or try an alternative algorithm such as LocalEnv." ) else: unknown_sites = html.Span() return html.Div([html.Div(analysis_contents), html.Br(), unknown_sites])