Source code for crystal_toolkit.components.bandstructure

import itertools

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate
from dash_mp_components import CrystalToolkitScene
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.bandstructure import (
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.dos import CompleteDos
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.plotter import BSPlotter
from pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester
from pymatgen.symmetry.bandstructure import HighSymmKpath

from crystal_toolkit.core.mpcomponent import MPComponent
from crystal_toolkit.core.panelcomponent import PanelComponent
from crystal_toolkit.core.scene import Convex, Cylinders, Lines, Scene, Spheres
from crystal_toolkit.helpers.layouts import (

# Author: Jason Munro
# Contact:

# TODO: think about moving functionality to BSPlotter, DosPlotter
# TODO: remove access to private attributes of BSPlotter

[docs]class BandstructureAndDosComponent(MPComponent): def __init__( self, mpid=None, bandstructure_symm_line=None, density_of_states=None, id=None, **kwargs, ): # this is a compound component, can be fed by mpid or # by the BandStructure itself super().__init__( id=id, default_data={ "mpid": mpid, "bandstructure_symm_line": bandstructure_symm_line, "density_of_states": density_of_states, }, **kwargs, ) @property def _sub_layouts(self): # defaults state = {"label-select": "lm", "dos-select": "ap"} bs, dos = BandstructureAndDosComponent._get_bs_dos(self.initial_data["default"]) fig = BandstructureAndDosComponent.get_figure(bs, dos) # Main plot graph = Loading( [ dcc.Graph( figure=fig, config={"displayModeBar": False}, responsive=True, ) ],"bsdos-div"), ) # Brillouin zone zone_scene = self.get_brillouin_zone_scene(bs) zone = CrystalToolkitScene(data=zone_scene.to_json(), sceneSize="500px") # Hide by default if not loaded by mpid, switching between k-paths # on-the-fly only supported for bandstructures retrieved from MP show_path_options = bool(self.initial_data["default"]["mpid"]) # Convention selection for band structure convention = html.Div( [ self.get_choice_input( kwarg_label="path-convention", state=state, label="Path convention", help_str="Convention to choose path in k-space", options=[ {"label": "Latimer-Munro", "value": "lm"}, {"label": "Hinuma et al.", "value": "hin"}, { "label": "Setyawan-Curtarolo", "value": "sc", }, ], ) ], style={"width": "200px"} if show_path_options else {"max-width": "200", "display": "none"},"path-container"), ) # Equivalent labels across band structure conventions label_select = html.Div( [ self.get_choice_input( kwarg_label="label-select", state=state, label="Label convention", help_str="Convention to choose labels for path in k-space", options=[ {"label": "Latimer-Munro", "value": "lm"}, {"label": "Hinuma et al.", "value": "hin"}, { "label": "Setyawan-Curtarolo", "value": "sc", }, ], ) ], style={"width": "200px"} if show_path_options else {"width": "200px", "display": "none"},"label-container"), ) # Density of states data selection dos_select = self.get_choice_input( kwarg_label="dos-select", state=state, label="Projection", help_str="Choose projection", options=[{"label": "Atom Projected", "value": "ap"}], style={"width": "200px"}, ) table = get_data_list(self._get_data_list_dict(bs, dos)) return { "graph": graph, "convention": convention, "dos-select": dos_select, "label-select": label_select, "zone": zone, "table": table, }
[docs] def layout(self): sub_layouts = self._sub_layouts return html.Div( [ Columns([Column([sub_layouts["graph"]])]), Columns( [ Column( [ sub_layouts["convention"], sub_layouts["label-select"], sub_layouts["dos-select"], ] ) ] ), Columns( [ Column([Label("Summary"), sub_layouts["table"]]), Column([Label("Brillouin Zone"), sub_layouts["zone"]]), ] ), ] )
@staticmethod def _get_bs_dos(data): data = data or {} # this component can be loaded either from mpid or # directly from BandStructureSymmLine or CompleteDos objects # if mpid is supplied, this is preferred mpid = data.get("mpid") bandstructure_symm_line = data.get("bandstructure_symm_line") density_of_states = data.get("density_of_states") if not mpid and bandstructure_symm_line is None and density_of_states is None: return None, None if mpid: with MPRester() as mpr: try: bandstructure_symm_line = mpr.get_bandstructure_by_material_id(mpid) except Exception as exc: print(exc) bandstructure_symm_line = None try: density_of_states = mpr.get_dos_by_material_id(mpid) except Exception as exc: print(exc) density_of_states = None else: if bandstructure_symm_line and isinstance(bandstructure_symm_line, dict): bandstructure_symm_line = BandStructureSymmLine.from_dict( bandstructure_symm_line ) if density_of_states and isinstance(density_of_states, dict): density_of_states = CompleteDos.from_dict(density_of_states) return bandstructure_symm_line, density_of_states
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ifermi_scene(bs: BandStructure) -> Scene: pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_brillouin_zone_scene(bs: BandStructureSymmLine) -> Scene: if not bs: return Scene(name="brillouin_zone", contents=[]) # TODO: from BSPlotter, merge back into BSPlotter # Brillouin zone bz_lattice = bs.structure.lattice.reciprocal_lattice bz = bz_lattice.get_wigner_seitz_cell() lines = [] for iface in range(len(bz)): # pylint: disable=C0200 for line in itertools.combinations(bz[iface], 2): for jface in range(len(bz)): if ( iface < jface and any(np.all(line[0] == x) for x in bz[jface]) and any(np.all(line[1] == x) for x in bz[jface]) ): lines += [list(line[0]), list(line[1])] zone_lines = Lines(positions=lines) zone_surface = Convex(positions=lines, opacity=0.05, color="#000000") # - Strip latex math wrapping for labels # TODO: add to string utils in pymatgen str_replace = { "$": "", "\\mid": "|", "\\Gamma": "Γ", "\\Sigma": "Σ", "GAMMA": "Γ", "_1": "₁", "_2": "₂", "_3": "₃", "_4": "₄", "_{1}": "₁", "_{2}": "₂", "_{3}": "₃", "_{4}": "₄", "^{*}": "*", } labels = {} for k in bs.kpoints: if k.label: label = k.label for orig, new in str_replace.items(): label = label.replace(orig, new) labels[label] = bz_lattice.get_cartesian_coords(k.frac_coords) labels = [ Spheres(positions=[coords], tooltip=label, radius=0.03, color="#5EB1BF") for label, coords in labels.items() ] path = [] cylinder_pairs = [] for b in bs.branches: start = bz_lattice.get_cartesian_coords( bs.kpoints[b["start_index"]].frac_coords ) end = bz_lattice.get_cartesian_coords( bs.kpoints[b["end_index"]].frac_coords ) path += [start, end] cylinder_pairs += [[start, end]] # path_lines = Lines(positions=path, color="#ff4b5c",) path_lines = Cylinders( positionPairs=cylinder_pairs, color="#5EB1BF", radius=0.01 ) ibz_region = Convex(positions=path, opacity=0.2, color="#5EB1BF") contents = [zone_lines, zone_surface, path_lines, ibz_region, *labels] cbm = bs.get_cbm()["kpoint"] vbm = bs.get_vbm()["kpoint"] if cbm and vbm: if cbm.label: cbm_label = cbm.label for orig, new in str_replace.items(): cbm_label = cbm_label.replace(orig, new) cbm_label = f"CBM at {cbm_label}" else: cbm_label = "CBM" if cbm == vbm: cbm_label = f"VBM and {cbm_label}" cbm_coords = bz_lattice.get_cartesian_coords(cbm.frac_coords) cbm = Spheres( positions=[cbm_coords], tooltip=cbm_label, radius=0.05, color="#7E259B" ) contents.append(cbm) if cbm != vbm: if vbm.label: vbm_label = vbm.label for orig, new in str_replace.items(): vbm_label = vbm_label.replace(orig, new) vbm_label = f"VBM at {vbm_label}" else: vbm_label = "VBM" vbm_coords = bz_lattice.get_cartesian_coords(vbm.frac_coords) vbm = Spheres( positions=[vbm_coords], tooltip=vbm_label, radius=0.05, color="#7E259B", ) contents.append(vbm) return Scene(name="brillouin_zone", contents=contents)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_bandstructure_traces(bs, path_convention, energy_window=(-6.0, 10.0)): if path_convention == "lm": bs = HighSymmKpath.get_continuous_path(bs) bs_reg_plot = BSPlotter(bs) bs_data = bs_reg_plot.bs_plot_data(split_branches=False) bands = [] for band_num in range(bs.nb_bands): for segment in bs_data["energy"][str(Spin.up)]: if any(segment[band_num] <= energy_window[1]) and any( segment[band_num] >= energy_window[0] ): bands.append(band_num) bs_traces = [] cbm = bs.get_cbm() vbm = bs.get_vbm() cbm_new = bs_data["cbm"] vbm_new = bs_data["vbm"] bar_loc = [] for d, dist_val in enumerate(bs_data["distances"]): x_dat = dist_val traces_for_segment = [] segment = bs_data["energy"][str(Spin.up)][d] traces_for_segment += [ { "x": x_dat, "y": segment[band_num], "mode": "lines", "line": {"color": "#1f77b4"}, "hoverinfo": "skip", "name": "spin ↑" if bs.is_spin_polarized else "Total", "hovertemplate": "%{y:.2f} eV", "showlegend": False, "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for band_num in bands ] if bs.is_spin_polarized: traces_for_segment += [ { "x": x_dat, "y": [ bs_data["energy"][str(Spin.down)][d][i][j] for j in range(len(bs_data["distances"][d])) ], "mode": "lines", "line": {"color": "#ff7f0e", "dash": "dot"}, "hoverinfo": "skip", "showlegend": False, "name": "spin ↓", "hovertemplate": "%{y:.2f} eV", "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for i in bands ] bs_traces += traces_for_segment bar_loc.append(dist_val[-1]) # - Strip latex math wrapping for labels str_replace = { "$": "", "\\mid": "|", "\\Gamma": "Γ", "\\Sigma": "Σ", "GAMMA": "Γ", "_1": "₁", "_2": "₂", "_3": "₃", "_4": "₄", "_{1}": "₁", "_{2}": "₂", "_{3}": "₃", "_{4}": "₄", "^{*}": "*", } for entry_num in range(len(bs_data["ticks"]["label"])): for key in str_replace: if key in bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num]: bs_data["ticks"]["label"][entry_num] = bs_data["ticks"]["label"][ entry_num ].replace(key, str_replace[key]) # Vertical lines for disjointed segments vert_traces = [ { "x": [x_point, x_point], "y": energy_window, "mode": "lines", "marker": {"color": "white"}, "hoverinfo": "skip", "showlegend": False, "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for x_point in bar_loc ] bs_traces += vert_traces # Dots for cbm and vbm dot_traces = [ { "x": [x_point], "y": [y_point], "mode": "markers", "marker": { "color": "#7E259B", "size": 16, "line": {"color": "white", "width": 2}, }, "showlegend": False, "hoverinfo": "text", "name": "", "hovertemplate": f"CBM: k = {list(cbm['kpoint'].frac_coords)}, {cbm['energy']} eV", "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for (x_point, y_point) in set(cbm_new) ] + [ { "x": [x_point], "y": [y_point], "mode": "markers", "marker": { "color": "#7E259B", "size": 16, "line": {"color": "white", "width": 2}, }, "showlegend": False, "hoverinfo": "text", "name": "", "hovertemplate": f"VBM: k = {list(vbm['kpoint'].frac_coords)}, {vbm['energy']} eV", "xaxis": "x", "yaxis": "y", } for (x_point, y_point) in set(vbm_new) ] bs_traces += dot_traces return bs_traces, bs_data
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dos_traces(dos, dos_select, energy_window=(-6.0, 10.0)): dostraces = [] dos_max = np.abs(dos.energies - dos.efermi - energy_window[1]).argmin() dos_min = np.abs(dos.energies - dos.efermi - energy_window[0]).argmin() # TODO: pymatgen should have a property here spin_polarized = len(dos.densities) == 2 if spin_polarized: # Add second spin data if available trace_tdos = { "x": -1.0 * dos.densities[Spin.down][dos_min:dos_max], "y": dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, "mode": "lines", "name": "Total DOS (spin ↓)", "line": go.scatter.Line(color="#444444", dash="dot"), "fill": "tozerox", "fillcolor": "#C4C4C4", "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", } dostraces.append(trace_tdos) tdos_label = "Total DOS (spin ↑)" else: tdos_label = "Total DOS" # Total DOS trace_tdos = { "x": dos.densities[Spin.up][dos_min:dos_max], "y": dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, "mode": "lines", "name": tdos_label, "line": go.scatter.Line(color="#444444"), "fill": "tozerox", "fillcolor": "#C4C4C4", "legendgroup": "spinup", "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", } dostraces.append(trace_tdos) if dos_select == "tot": proj_data = {} elif dos_select == "ap": proj_data = dos.get_element_dos() elif dos_select == "op": proj_data = dos.get_spd_dos() elif "orb" in dos_select: proj_data = dos.get_element_spd_dos(Element(dos_select.replace("orb", ""))) else: raise PreventUpdate # Projected DOS count = 0 colors = [ "#d62728", # brick red "#2ca02c", # cooked asparagus green "#17becf", # blue-teal "#bcbd22", # curry yellow-green "#9467bd", # muted purple "#8c564b", # chestnut brown "#e377c2", # raspberry yogurt pink ] for label in proj_data: if spin_polarized: trace = { "x": -1.0 * proj_data[label].densities[Spin.down][dos_min:dos_max], "y": dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, "mode": "lines", "name": f"{label} (spin ↓)", "line": dict(width=3, color=colors[count], dash="dot"), "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", } dostraces.append(trace) spin_up_label = f"{label} (spin ↑)" else: spin_up_label = str(label) trace = { "x": proj_data[label].densities[Spin.up][dos_min:dos_max], "y": dos.energies[dos_min:dos_max] - dos.efermi, "mode": "lines", "name": spin_up_label, "line": dict(width=2, color=colors[count]), "xaxis": "x2", "yaxis": "y2", } dostraces.append(trace) count += 1 return dostraces
[docs] @staticmethod def get_figure( bs, dos, path_convention="sc", dos_select="ap", energy_window=(-6.0, 10.0) ): if (not dos) and (not bs): empty_plot_style = { "xaxis": {"visible": False}, "yaxis": {"visible": False}, "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0,0,0,0)", } return go.Figure(layout=empty_plot_style) # -- Add trace data to plots traces = [] xaxis_style = {} yaxis_style = {} xaxis_style_dos = {} yaxis_style_dos = {} if bs: bs_traces, bs_data = BandstructureAndDosComponent.get_bandstructure_traces( bs, path_convention=path_convention, energy_window=energy_window ) traces += bs_traces xaxis_style = dict( title=dict(text="Wave Vector", font=dict(size=16)), tickmode="array", tickvals=bs_data["ticks"]["distance"], ticktext=bs_data["ticks"]["label"], tickfont=dict(size=16), ticks="inside", tickwidth=2, showgrid=False, showline=True, zeroline=False, linewidth=2, mirror=True, range=[0, bs_data["ticks"]["distance"][-1]], linecolor="rgb(71,71,71)", gridcolor="white", ) yaxis_style = dict( title=dict(text="E−E<sub>fermi</sub> (eV)", font=dict(size=16)), tickfont=dict(size=16), showgrid=False, showline=True, zeroline=True, mirror="ticks", ticks="inside", linewidth=2, tickwidth=2, zerolinewidth=2, range=[-5, 9], linecolor="rgb(71,71,71)", gridcolor="white", zerolinecolor="white", ) if dos: dostraces = BandstructureAndDosComponent.get_dos_traces( dos, dos_select=dos_select, energy_window=energy_window ) traces += dostraces list_max = [ max(dostraces[0]["x"]), abs(min(dostraces[0]["x"])), ] # check the max of the second dos trace only if spin polarized spin_polarized = len(dos.densities) == 2 if spin_polarized: list_max.extend( [ max(dostraces[1]["x"]), abs(min(dostraces[1]["x"])), ] ) rmax = max(list_max) xaxis_style_dos = dict( title=dict(text="Density of States", font=dict(size=16)), tickfont=dict(size=16), showgrid=False, showline=True, zeroline=False, mirror=True, ticks="inside", linewidth=2, tickwidth=2, range=[-rmax * 1.1 * int(len(dos.densities) == 2), rmax * 1.1], linecolor="rgb(71,71,71)", gridcolor="white", zerolinecolor="white", zerolinewidth=2, ) yaxis_style_dos = dict( tickfont=dict(size=16), showgrid=False, showline=True, zeroline=True, showticklabels=False, mirror="ticks", ticks="inside", linewidth=2, tickwidth=2, zerolinewidth=2, range=[-5, 9], linecolor="rgb(71,71,71)", gridcolor="white", zerolinecolor="white", matches="y", anchor="x2", ) layout = dict( title="", xaxis1=xaxis_style, xaxis2=xaxis_style_dos, yaxis=yaxis_style, yaxis2=yaxis_style_dos, showlegend=True, height=500, width=1000, hovermode="closest", paper_bgcolor="rgba(0,0,0,0)", plot_bgcolor="rgba(230,230,230,230)", margin=dict(l=60, b=50, t=50, pad=0, r=30), # clickmode="event+select" ) figure = {"data": traces, "layout": layout} legend = dict( x=1.02, y=1.005, xanchor="left", yanchor="top", bordercolor="#333", borderwidth=2, traceorder="normal", ) figure["layout"]["legend"] = legend figure["layout"]["xaxis1"]["domain"] = [0.0, 0.7] figure["layout"]["xaxis2"]["domain"] = [0.73, 1.0] return figure
@staticmethod def _get_data_list_dict(bs, dos): return { "Band Gap": "... eV", "Direct Gap": "...", "CBM": "...", "VBM": "...", "Spin Polarization": "...", }
[docs] def generate_callbacks(self, app, cache): @app.callback( Output("bsdos-div"), "children"), [Input("traces"), "data")] ) def update_graph(traces): if traces == "error": body = MessageBody( dcc.Markdown( "Band structure and density of states not available for this selection." ) ) search_error = MessageContainer([body], kind="warning") return search_error if traces is None: raise PreventUpdate figure = self.get_figure(bs, dos, path_convention, dos_select) return [ dcc.Graph( figure=figure, config={"displayModeBar": False}, responsive=True ) ] @app.callback( [ Output("label-select"), "value"), Output("label-container"), "style"), ], [ Input("mpid"), "data"), Input("path-convention"), "value"), ], ) def update_label_select(mpid, path_convention): if not mpid: raise PreventUpdate else: label_value = path_convention label_style = {"max-width": "200"} return [label_value, label_style] @app.callback( [ Output("dos-select"), "options"), Output("path-convention"), "options"), Output("path-container"), "style"), ], [Input("elements"), "data"), Input("mpid"), "data")], ) def update_select(elements, mpid): if elements is None: raise PreventUpdate elif not mpid: dos_options = ( [{"label": "Element Projected", "value": "ap"}] + [{"label": "Orbital Projected - Total", "value": "op"}] + [ { "label": f"Orbital Projected - {ele_label}", "value": f"orb{ele_label}", } for ele_label in elements ] ) path_options = [{"label": "N/A", "value": "sc"}] path_style = {"max-width": "200", "display": "none"} return [dos_options, path_options, path_style] else: dos_options = ( [{"label": "Element Projected", "value": "ap"}] + [{"label": "Orbital Projected - Total", "value": "op"}] + [ { "label": f"Orbital Projected - {ele_label}", "value": f"orb{ele_label}", } for ele_label in elements ] ) path_options = [ {"label": "Setyawan-Curtarolo", "value": "sc"}, {"label": "Latimer-Munro", "value": "lm"}, {"label": "Hinuma et al.", "value": "hin"}, ] path_style = {"max-width": "200"} return [dos_options, path_options, path_style] @app.callback( [Output("traces"), "data"), Output("elements"), "data")], [ Input(, "data"), Input("path-convention"), "value"), Input("dos-select"), "value"), Input("label-select"), "value"), ], ) def bs_dos_data(data, path_convention, dos_select, label_select): # Obtain bands to plot over and generate traces for bs data: energy_window = (-6.0, 10.0) traces = [] if bandstructure_symm_line: bs_traces = get_bandstructure_traces( bsml, path_convention, energy_window=energy_window ) traces.append(bs_traces) if density_of_states: dostraces = get_dos_traces( density_of_states, energy_window=energy_window, spin_polarized=... ) traces.append(dostraces) # traces = [bs_traces, dostraces, bs_data] return (traces, elements)
[docs]class BandstructureAndDosPanelComponent(PanelComponent): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = BandstructureAndDosComponent(), this_store_name="mpid") @property def title(self): return "Band Structure and Density of States" @property def description(self): return "Display the band structure and density of states for this structure \ if it has been calculated by the Materials Project." @property def initial_contents(self): return html.Div( [ super().initial_contents, html.Div([], style={"display": "none"}), ] )
[docs] def update_contents(self, new_store_contents, *args): return